We create attractive value with our project sales services...
In my opinion, every job should be left to the expert because only the expert can produce attractive value.
What is the Stage of Urban Transformation in Beşiktaş Ulus...
Until this time, I was carrying out my real estate activities in Beşiktaş, Etiler, Kültür mh, Levent, Gayrettepe, Balmumcu regions....
The home ownership rate is decreasing.
According to a news I read recently, the home ownership rate in Turkey is decreasing.
The village law, which also includes regulations regarding...
According to the law in today's issue of the Official Gazette, no share of increase in value will be taken from plan changes on parcels...
What is the Demand for New Buildings in Beşiktaş?
I focus on new building flats, villas, residences and plaza offices in the Beşiktaş region.
Urban Transformation Projects in Etiler are Progressing...
I focus a significant part of my real estate work on the new buildings in the Dünya Göz Hastanesi area and Etiler Alkent Site in Etiler....
You can follow Beşiktaş's current development plans in...
The number of old buildings in the Beşiktaş region is quite high and naturally urban transformation is an important topic in the region....
What is the Status of Gayrettepe Retired Officers' Houses...
Gayrettepe Retired Officers' Houses is one of the most popular urban transformation areas of Beşiktaş in terms of location and size....
The increase in construction material prices hit urban...
In his statement, MÜFED President İsmail Kahraman mentioned that around 65 percent of the buildings in Izmir need to be renewed, and...
What is the Content of Malik Construction Company Sharing...
Two weeks ago, I had a meeting with a construction company official who was in talks with the owner regarding the urban transformation...